Data Protection Policy

Data Controller and Owner: Thornden Community Badminton Club.

Owner contact email:

Thornden Community Badminton Club has implemented a policy in order to comply with requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 in connection with the holding and dissemination of personal data. The Committee is responsible for implementing, monitoring and adhering to this policy.

PERSONAL DATA- What is collected

This website does not use cookies, or any other tracking tools.

If you use this website to send a contact form to Thornden Community Badminton – Your email address will be held on the private computer of the committee member who has been nominated to answer the contact forms.  The email will be deleted as soon as is appropriate.

If you use this website to volunteer on the parent rota – Your email, phone number and name are held on the website server for the duration of the season.  The email and name is used to send you reminder emails. A nominated committee member is also sent an email at the time that you sign up, and when a reminder is sent to you.  That email remains on the nominated committee member’s personal computer for the time necessary to deal with the request.

If you use this website to register a member or enter the tournament – Thornden Community Badminton gathers and holds the following personal data about each member: Names, Date of Birth, Address, Parent’s Name, Phone Number/s, Email, Emergency Contact Numbers, Specified Medical Issues, Payment Method and Amount Paid.  Nominated Committee Members and the Website Administrator have access to this data.  Membership data (address, email, date of birth, name, email address) is passed on to Badminton England when we enrol each member as a Badminton England member.  See here for more on the Badminton England Personal Data Policy.

Tournament winners – The photos of Tournament winners are displayed on the website.  The names are not included.


All data are stored on various cloud-based servers and access is protected by passwords and limited to the Web Administrator and nominated Committee members. Members and Non-members cannot access any of the information.  The website is backed up onto a cloud-based server regularly, so the personal data that are contained within the website (Parent Rota information) are stored along with the backup.


We use the email and phone numbers to contact members or, more likely, their parents regarding club activities and related special events.

The member’s names, emergency contact phone numbers, date of birth, enrolled session and relevant medical issues are printed onto a single sheet and placed within the Coach’s red book which is locked into our equipment bag and kept in the school’s sports equipment room. We use this sheet to take attendance, provide emergency contact information and inform the coaches of any relevant member medical issues.

We do not pass our membership data onto any other third parties (except Badminton England when we register our members for their Badminton England membership).  Members cannot see the data of other members.


We retain all collected data for the season (Sept-July) and for up to 3 months into the following season (end of November).  At the end of November, we delete all the names and details of members who did not renew.  At any time, a person can request that his or her information be deleted from our database.



We do not use cookies, nor do we track visitor information to this site.

Site visitors and users have the right to know whether their personal data has been stored.  Please consult the site administrator to learn about how your data is being handled and to have your information removed, updated, corrected or anonymised at any time.

 Change record of this policy

This policy can be updated or amended at any time.  Please check this page on a regular basis if you are interested in this policy.   If you object to any of the changes to this policy, enter no personal information into the website and then contact the data controller to have any existing data removed.

Document created: Aug 4, 2017

Document updated: June 26, 2018